Confused about how to make hanky panky more enjoyable and intimate? Dougal Tsakalos-Stewart lays out all the tips and tricks needed to improve the vibes in the bedroom.
Content warning: Sexual References
As a young adult myself, I'm often wondering how I could improve my ‘squeezing’ in the bedroom. As the sex issue is upon us, here are some general tips from experts for all couples, situationships, and one night stands, that you can all use to your own liking:
10 tips from Janet Brito, Ph.D in Sexual Therapy [1]
Focus on all your senses to enjoy the act
Think of intercourse as more than just putting the carrot into the doughnut
Learn each other's love language
Avoid comparison to previous sexual partners
Try new things to discover what they like
Know how much energy you have
Remember that sex doesn't have to be serious!
Make a choice to be intimate
Remember, sleep is important for comfortability and exploration
Make time in your schedule for sexual intercourse
5 tips from Laura Vowels, sex and relationship therapist [2]
Don't kink and/or fetish shame
Communicate your turn-ons and desires
Don't be scared of sex toys!
Less sex doesn't equal to a bad sex life
Remember that it’s normal for your sexual desires change over time
With that said, enjoy your time with your sexual partner and be careful to not let the fun outweigh any possible risks. As a great man once said: “don't be silly, wrap your willy.”
[1] Brito, Janet. “10 Tips This Sex Therapist Finds Herself Repeating”. Healthline, 10 Oct. 2019,
[2] Head, Ally. “A sex and relationships therapist wants you to know the sex advice she follows herself”. Marie Claire UK, 9 Feb. 2022,