Hello, I am writing this in Bahasa English because my professors keeping telling me this one is language of the future, and daddy agrees with them. He say harus latihan more than Mandarin, and he told me it’s good to keep a diary. He said one day I should learn Mandarin too but not now and not in this country, maybe when I am married and we can move somewhere else, but first I need to write English.

I’m feeling too sneezy today and I think it’s because of a fire, usually it only gets very bad when I’m with my friends lagi merokok and it gets in my eyes, it smells bad and makes me cry and sneeze ugly, wiping my nose upwards. But I’m inside and now all the windows closed two hours ago but I’m sneezy still, I think it’s coming through the wall cracks. I supposed to studying, but I can’t smell or see anything when it’s hot like this. I don’t know what’s going on.
It does not help because every time I get like this sneezy I can’t focus. It does not help daddy called me worried and crying and told me to stay inside and not go outside. I asked why, he said just stay inside. I heard from my friends that they’re burning and beating Chinese at the university across the road. He told me thank God it’s cross the road, not at my university.
Hopefully the firing ends soon, I hear from my friends that some of them come here and take food and our fridge. I am not sure where I will get another one. A bit confused about what to eat, I’m happy I went to grocery store while Monday, I just can’t stop sneezy.
Salam Maria, penuh rahmat, Tuhan sertamu, terpujilah engkau di antara wanita, dan terpujilah buah tubuhmu, Yesus. Santa Maria, bunda Allah, doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini sekarang dan waktu kami mati, Amin.