Put them in the microwave.
Wrap them in a wheat bag that you’ve microwaved.
Fold the strips into a towel and press them with a hot iron.
Keep them under a bowl of boiling water.
Lower them into the toaster.
Hold them up in a thunderstorm until they get struck by lightning.
Take them to a dragon’s lair and ask her to burp.
Rest them on the deck in the sun.
Or better yet, take a rocket ship to space and hold them up to the sun.
Take a submarine into a volcano and hold them to the earth’s core.
Sail a boat in the volcano’s stream of eruption and hold them to the lava.
If you’ve got a gas stove, hold them over your gas stove.
If you’ve got a fireplace, throw them in with the kindling. Forget about them until they melt away.